Sintered stone worktops
A beautiful, practical and affordable alternative to natural stone
Discover the ultimate in luxury with sintered stone worktops, where innovation meets natural beauty. Crafted from 100% natural minerals, sintered stone worktops undergo a meticulous sintering process that replicates the natural formation of marble in the earth’s crust. The result is an extremely strong and non-porous, high-quality worktop with remarkable durability.
Sintered stone worktops are renowned for their exceptional benefits such as UV, scratch, stain and temperature resistance. They’re also easy to clean and maintenance free. Some brands have additional benefits like impact and weather resistance and resistance from chemical attack.
Here at SEH Interiors, we offer 7 premium brands of sintered stone worktops. Despite minor differences in their benefits, all our brands boast longevity and performance. So, you can choose your worktop based on your personal taste in colour and budget, knowing that you’ll have an excellent worktop, whichever brand it is.
Explore our sintered stone collection today.
Atlas Plan is a high-performance ceramic surface available in large-sized slabs. Choose from stone, marble, concrete and metal effects in over 40 colours and 7 finishes.
Caesarstone® Porcelain by Caesarstone is made from high-quality materials designed to withstand the busiest of kitchen environments. Available in a concrete, honed, natural, polished, rough concrete or ultra-rough finish, and over 20 colours.
Ceralsio® by CRL Stone is a ceramic stone surface built for the demands of modern-day living. Available in a natural, polished, satin or textured finish, and over 20 colours.
Dekton® by Cosentino is an ultra-compact surface made of porcelain, glass and quartz, Available in a polished, smooth matte, textured matte or velvet finish, and over 60 colours.
Neolith® by Neolith is a compact surface made of recyclable crushed stone. Available in a satin, silk, polished or river-washed finish, and over 50 colours.
SEH Sintered Stone is our very own competitively priced sintered stone brand made from natural minerals. Available in a polished or matt finish and 8 stone effect finishes.
XTONE by Porcelanosa is a sintered compact surface made from the purest natural minerals. Available in a nature, polished or silk finish, and over 20 colours.
Not sure which worktop range to choose?
Use our worktop comparison guide to help you decide.
Looking for a different worktop material?
We hope you’ll find a worktop you love from the huge range above, but if you’d like to explore other materials, we can help. We also supply and install quartz, acrylic and natural stone worktops.